Established in 1999, Bali Health Foundation, also referred to as Yakeba, is a non-governmental organization with a focus on public health issues. The primary purpose of the organization is to provide outreach and support for individuals in Bali who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction.

Work as a team as a Yakeba team


Gianyar, (02/02) On January 30 – February 1, 2013 Bali Health Foundation (Yakeba) held Strengthening Internal training institutions. Activities are held at the Annika Linden Foundation Center was attended by all candidates for a new officer and that has been incorporated in Yakeba institutions.

The activities were open with an introduction of all the participants as many of those who do not know each other. Most of the participants who joined the Yakeba this time had joined and followed the organizational skills and are proficient in their respective fields. Basically participants comprising staff of Harm Reduction, staff PMTS (Prevention through of Sexual Transmission), and staff PABM (Community Based Addiction Recovery), and this year adds Yakeba media division.

The first day of basic training was given HIV 101 test to determine the extent to which participants understand the basic information about the basic knowledge of HIV and AIDS. Furthermore, given the material basis of basic knowledge of HIV, AIDS and drug sung by Adi Mantara and Rondi as facilitator. What’s interesting about this session is where staff PMTS many do not know what it was drugs, IDUs and other matters concerning the drug because they only reach so far among commercial sex workers, MSM (Man sex Man), and risky sexual behavior among not from among drug addicts.

Participants were also given skill to make narrative report which will report will be collected as evidence they are working for a month. Preparation of monthly narrative reports are localized to the officer and the officer PMTS, Harm reduction for what happened either obstacles or problems they are together side by side as long as they do outreach in the field. Facilitators for this session is Luhde Suryani who is a journalist from

As reinforcement training in general, of course, the material provided on the organization that provides how to work together in a team. They also provided a method of ILOM (Indigenous Leader Outreach Model) is applied for the first time in Bali. The training emphasizes time field officers to gain access to the network and IDU risk behavior groups. Training is also provided reinforcement to the staff about the dangers of narcotics, Harm Reduction and IPWL (Recipient Institution Obligation Report). As has happened before many of the officers, especially the Harm Reduction Officers are actively using drugs again because of the influence of work and daily interaction with addicts.

On the last day of training, participants will be able to support reduce the risk of transmission of HIV and AIDS to both the high-risk sexual behavior among drug addicts in the needles (IDUs). The trainees are also given the material to speak in front of the public in order to become a good public speaker. Certainly not the material or property (salary), which became the most important part for them to join the staff Yakeba, but they volunteer to work an active role in prevention and care programs of HIV and AIDS.