Established in 1999, Bali Health Foundation, also referred to as Yakeba, is a non-governmental organization with a focus on public health issues. The primary purpose of the organization is to provide outreach and support for individuals in Bali who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction.

Let’s Keep the Light On HIV


Kuta-20140628-00143Denpasar (6/28/2014), Candle Light Memorial Day which is usually held in May each year held late in Bali. The number of holidays and activities in the month of May which makes this activity be delayed. Finally, on June 28, 2014 This Candle Light Memorial Day was held and this Candle Light Memorial Day is different than other because held in international tourism Kuta Beach  ​​Bali.

This event was held in cooperation of the Local Government Badung, National AIDS Commission (KPA) of Badung, the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Badung, Bali Health Foundation (Yakeba) and Desa Adat Kuta was attended by the general public, PMI volunteers and People Living with HIV-AIDS from a variety of backgrounds.

Before the show started exactly at 15:00 CET implemented first Mobile Voluntary Counselling Test (VCT) by the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Kuta II. Mobile VCT was followed by a few people who are in the Kuta Beach and tourists from around the world who voluntarily want to know their HIV status.

Let’s Keep the Light On HIV is a theme carried on Candle Light Memorial Day this year. As we know the rate of HIV transmission is increasing every year and if we are not actively involved in the response to the spread of HIV who else? We should be able to keep our behavior so that the numbers continue to increase the spread of HIV by not do anything risky like to have sex multiple partners without using a condom and use of unsterile needles interchangeably. At this event also read out a petition and hopes of containing the HIV-infected people in order to support local government HIV treatment and care to be maximal.

Frenetic Kuta Beach on Saturday night was changed drastically to emotion after Rondi from Yakeba lead this top event. Participants stand in a circle carrying a lit candle while keeping in mind what has happened be it friends, relatives who have been infected with HIV or those who have gone for HIV-AIDS. Sobs and emotion enveloped participants. At the end of the event, participants put all the candles to stay lit simultaneously along with their hopes and prayers that the prevention and treatment of HIV does not stop here.

By: Dony Fauzan