Established in 1999, Bali Health Foundation, also referred to as Yakeba, is a non-governmental organization with a focus on public health issues. The primary purpose of the organization is to provide outreach and support for individuals in Bali who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction.

29 Mei 2013
by admin
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Doa dan Harapan di 2013

Denpasar (25/5/2013), Pada sore hari sekitar pukul 18.00 WITA kantor Yayasan Kesehatan Bali (Yakeba) dihiasi dengan balon udara dan lilin yang berbentuk seperti pita merah. Suasana di kantor Yakeba yang beralamat di jalan Ciung Wanara IVB nomer 2 Renon ini … Continue reading

7 Des 2012
by admin

Behavior Changes Communication

Badung, 5/11/2012. Rumah Cemara as partners of Yakeba (Bali Health Foundation) was conducting a training Behavior Changes Communications (BCC), this activities was support by the International HIV-AIDS Alliance, the event was held at the Bintang Hotel Kuta, on 5th until … Continue reading